I've posted on my Facebook page, but totally got lazy when it came to posting on here. So, to catch up on all extreme wit of my kids, I'm going through a year and a half's worth of Facebook posts. I might be here a while. While I work, enjoy these gems.
July 11, 2013
While I was changing him into his swim trunks Isaac exclaimed, "Everybody wants to see me NEKKED!"
July 4, 2013
Brooke: "Mom, can I have a piece of candy after my breakfast?"
Me: "Sure, one piece."
Isaac: "I ate all my food, Mommy! Can I have a piece?"
Me: "Yep. If you ate all your food."
Isaac: "Ok. Don't look at my bowl, Mom. Can I have the candy now? Wait! Mom! Don't look at the bowl!"
Me: [Look at bowl.] "You didn't eat all your food, Isaac. There's still cereal in there."
Isaac: "Um, that's just shadows. I really ate it all. Just shadows. Can I have my candy?"
May 29, 2013
Isaac: "Excuse me."
Me: "Did you burp?"
Isaac: "Yep. It was a mouth burp."
Me: "What other kind of burp is there?"
Isaac: "Monkey burps."
Me: "Good to know."
Isaac: "Yep. It is."
May 22, 2013
Isaac: "Mom, can you make some apple juice?"
Me: "No, I don't have any apple juice. Sorry bud."
Isaac: "But you have apples. Just go make juice with a[n] apple."
Me: "I'd need lots and lots of apples, and I don't have that many."
Isaac: "Noooo, you just need a cylinder apple."
Me: "A cylinder apple?"
Isaac: "Yeah, you just open the cylinder apple and make the juice. It's in the freezer."
Cylinder apple=frozen tube of apple juice concentrate.
May 20, 2013
"Mommy, when you were a little girl, were the refrigerators still made out of wood?" ~Savvy, age 9
May 17, 2013
Brooke: "MOM!! Isaac hit me!"
Isaac: "No I didn't!" (Stomps feet.)
Me: "Did you hit her, Isaac?"
Isaac: "No ... I accidentally ran into her ... with my fist."
May 17, 2013
"Mom, I learned your brain is in your skull. And inside your skull, it's a disgusting place." Brooke, age 5
May 13, 2013
"I never want to see deer mating. It's gotta be awkward with all those long legs." ~Riley, age 11
May 13, 2013
"Mom, can you take this booger off of me?" Dangling off the end of his finger ... ~Isaac, age 3
This little gem is from Savvy, April 24, 2013. Age 9.
April 22, 2013
Sometimes, I'm just taken aback by their vocabulary ...
Me: "Brooke and Isaac, stop running in the house!"
Isaac: "But we're finding dodecahedrons!"
Brooke, 5 and Isaac, 3
April 18, 2013
"Mom, I shoved a spoon up my nose and it didn't feel good." ~Riley, age 11
April 16, 2013
My son cannot be the only boy in the world to look at a toilet full of poop and find "pictures". "Look, Mom, that's a stegosaurus, and that one's a carrot." Isaac, 3
April 16, 2013
"Jed slobbered all over my face, and now I have to straighten out my eyebrows." Riley, 11
April 6, 2013
"Riley's a marshmallow. She doesn't do kung fu." ~Brooke, 5
April 4, 2013
And today's Quote of the Day comes to you from Savvy. As I was explaining how to make a line graph in math, she stops me mid-sentence and says, "WAIT! Am I supposed to be LEARNING this?!" Savvy, age 9
April 4, 2013
Isaac's Word of the Day: cannibal pencil. Otherwise known as a mechanical pencil.
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